How do you get to a million Euros ?
Well of course there are a million answers to this but my way is with Trading ! So to give you some hope but also to be realistic here is what it takes and what I did and what not to do:
- Started 4 years ago searching for some “extra income”…
- Tried some bullshit which brought me to Trading Forex (now you know that Forex is serious and you don´t have to search for something else)
- Started in a Signal Group… to get a feeling
- Learned the basics
- Knew that I knew nothing but I believed in it and me
- Bought some Indicators… failed
- Started with a Live Account
- For the first time I spoke with Millionaires who made their fortune with Trading Forex… so yeah it´s possible
- Tried more indicators and tried to combine my knowledge with the systems… it didn´t worked
- Had other duties to do … University, Friends, Life, Sport, Fun… I soon realized that I would need more time because I already learned in a very fast pace…
- I only concentrated on Trading and Learning… Practice, practice, practice
- I failed over and over again. Nothing really worked in the long run
- I got in a depression… now worse than before…
- I worked harder. Failed again.
- Tried more indicators… failed.
- I now decided to get better education without paying for it…
- I read a lot in forums and so on and read something about the Market Makers and who controls the markets in reality … so I had the choice to believe that or not. I did believe that there are some big players who control most of the market. So that was a big step in the right direction.
- Now I “only had to sort everything out and combine the right information with a basic concept and system”… man was I naive
- There was so much more which I haven´t really thought about yet…
Money Management (like a real good one), Backup Accounts, Timing, Practice, a good Risk to Reward Ratio and most importantly not only knowing what they´re doing but how and when which will result in an edge over the market… - So I finally made some money with a Live Account but also lost it again… this refers to the point above…
- I finally concentrated on creating my own system and putting in everything I learned in my own way. I think this is really important for a trader to develop his/her own skills by doing that…
- Now I only look back to combine all the knowledge because I really had a bad time to figure all that stuff out… Emotional side comes back…
- I now combined all the knowledge I got and implemented it into my own strategy… Taaadaaaa. Here is my own system which took 4 years and a lot of sweat, tears, loneliness, fucked up situations and also the big belief that I can and will make it if I just work harder and be smarter…
- I am now ready to give it a try from a whole new perspective and with full motivation. Of course I still have to manage a lot of other things aside, like Health, Time, Money Management and everything that doesn´t stand still while you´re alive…
- So I tested the new strategy for another few months and WOW… it works … I make a lot of mistakes still because I am still emotional sometimes but it gets better with time…
So this was the painful way with a lot of more things I mentioned above and I am still motivated, more than ever because I know that I now have all the right informations and the power to create my own future.
So I decided to make my own challenge public finally and announced that I will start with 100 Euros and try to make a million as fast as possible…
So follow my Diary from next week on and always remember: It is possible in all the right ways but you need to know what it takes and that it´s a really hard way to learn everything by yourself. And I mean really learning everything by yourself. I believe that there are a lot of good mentors out there but 95% of people will steal your money and leave you with crap information and you are more frustrated than before because you waste your time until you realize that this doesn´t work. Also the very good information isn´t shared publicly. Some people will give you hints and you need to figure out what that means. Practice and develop your own strategy. Also there are a few people out there who will share their best secrets but if you don´t know how the Banks trade and the big players who control the markets you have no chance no matter what others say.
So Cheers and if you need help you can contact me on social media.
Always believe in yourself…