“To Fail”

4 min readMar 8, 2018


You will. Definitely but not completely. Failure is just an important part of progress. In fact most people that are famous now for one thing failed more than a 1000 times before. You already know that, maybe.

But what makes them different is they never gave up. There is always a reason for giving up. Why? I think it starts with human nature. A few thousand years ago it was all about surviving literally. And guess what? Not many survived back then. Life was rough, cold, hard… Today it´s still in most people´s mind that you can do what somebody tells you, teaches you and then you´re fine. You have your Job, your life, your wife/man, your kids, you can pay your bills, sometimes you have fun… what else can you expect or wish for right?

That´s totally up to you. But for me it wasn´t frustrating to have less while I knew some had much more. It was that those 1% who had it all dictated us, my life, my behaviour, my job, my feelings and I didn´t even realized it til one day. That one day was when my father asked me again what do you wanna do in your life, are you happy? And I felt somehow confused. I expected him to tell me that what he does is a good thing and that I should consider doing the same. But it wasn´t that way. He simply asked: “Are you happy?” and I deeply thought about it and I wasn´t. I knew he had a good job but the big ones dictated him. I knew that this isn´t the life I wanted to live. Why? Yeah… why?? Why should I !

Like Steve Jobs once said: “When you grow up you tend to get told that the world is the way it is and your life is just to live your life inside the world. Try not to bash into the walls too much. Try to have a nice family life, have fun, save a little money. That’s a very limited life. Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact: Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you. And you can change it, you can influence it… Once you learn that, you’ll never be the same again.”

Yes. Exactly. I discovered it all and I wouldn´t be the same person ever again. I had it deep down in me and I knew I wanted to do something that I would be proud of and I wanted to work for something that I love instead of working for someone in a Job I hate in the worst case.

The problem with most people is this: They all want something big, money, a model partner, a big house, a lot of vacation and a happy family or maybe not. But do they work for it? Do they put in all the work that is necessary ? No ! Words… words can help you understand what you want, what they sound like but they will not give you the reality you talk about. You have to act and that´s what most people don´t realize or wanna hear. But you know what´s worse than putting all the work in while your friends are partying or having the “best time” ? It´s thinking that you´re having the best time because you are the one person who was on the concert of your favorit and biggest Band in the world, once or maybe two times. What if I tell you that if you work for your dreams you can do that all the time LATER ! You would think that´s bullshit, because you “grow up and tend to get told” that this is not how the world works. Why? Because most people are lazy (human nature) and don´t get to that point in life where they are truly free. Those people tell and teach you the very best they can in the best case, no question about it, but it´s maybe not what you truly think. You see what I mean?

It is up to YOU to believe in what you wanna believe in !

It is up to YOU to act the way others don´t !

It is up to YOU to be truly free …

Who can say that he/she is free? Without any limitations (except of laws, death, human conditions)? Somebody gave you this life … don´t waste it doing something you don´t love. If you thought you have to do it… NO ! That wasn´t an excuse and from now on will not be any anymore !

I believe in making your wildest dreams come true by working for it.
Trust the process and fail. Fail a thousand times. Why? Because you found a thousand more ways how you shouldn´t do it than somebody else who didn´t even tried. At some point you can go back in history and finally connect the dots of your life which before didn´t made sense.






Written by the1millionproject

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